
Agent Topaz - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: An Unsettling Reunion


"Today's mission will be difficult, but you have shown lots of promise and I am sure you can handle it.  Listen carefully, Agent Topaz.  Locate Sonic the Hedgehog and bring him back to me, dead or unconscious (preferably the latter, but I'll accept either).  You have three days."

Those were my orders, given to me by Dr. Eggman himself just this morning.

Up until three months ago, my name was Miles Prower, alias Tails.  Dr. Eggman took me by surprise and captured me.  Sonic tried to rescue me, but ultimately failed and had to leave empty-handed.  I was subjected to a special surgery, my body and mind upgraded with cyberkinetic parts.

Now I am a powerful warrior and a superior spy, and my mind is specially fixed to keep me loyal to Dr. Eggman.  For the past three months I have gone on various missions for him, always succeeding with flying colors.  Although my external appearance is no different (save for the fact that my eye color is now a crimson red), on the inside I am Miles "Tails" Prower no longer.  I am Agent Topaz.

It was almost noon now.  I briskly hovered across the countryside, scanning the area for any signs of life.  My two tails spun rhythmically, keeping my flight path as constant as possible.  Sonic the Hedgehog had last been spotted in this vicinity.  He had to be around here somewhere.

I closed my eyes, and a radar screen appeared in my mind, showing me every sign of life in the area.  I had already adjusted the radar so it would specifically alert me if Sonic was detected.

It wouldn't be long before I found him.


There's no need for introductions, if you haven't heard of me you've been living under a rock! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, supersonic speedster and world saviour, yadda yadda yadda, take the rest as read.

About three months ago, my best friend and long-time-world-saving-helper, Tails, went missing. Heck, did I get worried. I heard he was kidnapped by my long-time-world-threatening-enemy, Dr Eggman. 'Course, I went all out to get him back, but I... didn't manage to. Eggman really had gone out of his way to keep me separate from my buddy, and I had to take on not one, not two, but three Metal Sonics. I did NOT come outta it well, an' I had to leave my buddy behind.

Since then I'd been searching for him, while my guilty conscience has been keepin' me company. It had been a long time since I'd last seen him and I was really gettin' worked up. I didn't know what the doc planned to do, but I wasn't gonna wait for it to hit me in the face either. I was worried for my little buddy, but then again, Eggman doesn't kill, I thought. It'll probably be a trap for me, usin' Tails as bait, but I've come outta worse!
That was my logic anyway.

A couple of months of searchin' gave me nothin', but I wasn't gonna give up. A few days back, Rouge had clued me in to where G.U.N thought Eggman would be, so I decided to check it out for myself. Apparently it was thought he coulda been in the countryside near Metal City, so I wen to check it out myself. I'd been there for a few days and found nothin', but I had no intentions of quitting. I was persistent, and I kept racin' along, with only one thought in my head:
Don't worry Tails buddy.  I'll get you outta this.



Pay dirt.  The radar had found him at 38 degrees to the left.  My eyes shot open and I adjusted my course.

Within seconds, the familiar blue hedgehog was visible, running along a dirt path.  He hadn't noticed me yet, so I flew low behind him, waiting for him to stop to rest or perhaps change direction.

I made a mental note that Sonic was a little slower than he'd been back when he and I were allies.  I was keeping up with him more easily than I expected, even considering my cyberkinetic enhancements.  The guilt from his failure to rescue me must have been weighing him down.


I was now headin' up a dirt path that led into a mountain range that became the Red Canyon, and still no sign. I guessed that a mountain range is where I would hide my base if I were an evil genius, so this place seemed best to try.
As I jogged up the pathway I realized how tired I really was, I was startin' to ache from weeks of non-stop searchin' with snatches of sleep scattered throughout. At one point I had actually found myself thinking if it was hopeless, and I had actually stopped and hit myself. Giving up was NOT an option.

The patter of my feet had become a drone that I had mentally blocked out. I was lost in my own thoughts, and I took me a while to hear an all-too familiar thwapping of revolving tails.
Is it...?
I skidded to a halt halfway up the mountain path and looked around. The view from here was great but now wasn't the time for sight seeing. Scanning the fields below and the sky, I saw nothing. But I could still hear the sound...
Looking up, I saw him. Tails. He was hovering above me at a distance, but I could recognise that guy anywhere!
I whooped with delight and yelled at him, "TAILS! DOWN HEEERE!"
Then I laughed and leaned against the cliff wall as he descended towards me. He was alright.
Thank god... He's alright.


I couldn't help but smirk as Sonic heard me and called for me.  Foolish hedgehog.  He obviously had no clue about who and what I was now.

I leaned into a dive, my flight path staying in a plane parallel to the canyon wall, but taking the shape of a parabola as I aimed for the empty air right in front of Sonic.

As I passed, I used my speed to throw a devastating side punch at the near side of the hedgehog's head.  This would definitely crush his expectations... and possibly his skull as well.

I felt no guilt attacking my former ally.  When I became Agent Topaz, my emotions were blocked along with my free will.


I tasted blood.
"Wha?" I slurred, before reeling backwards and falling down the path. Holy Hell that hurt.
Wait, Tails had punched me? Dead centre to my temple, I even bit my own tongue! What was going on?
First, I had to stop rolling backwards down the steep path. I managed to slow myself, sticking my heels in 'till I came to a grinding halt. A staggered to my feet and held my head in my hands, trying to fight off nausea.
Before I could completely collect myself I was hit again, in the stomach. I stepped back and raised my hands to ward off another blow from Tails. Tails!
"Tails, I...Stop!" I said, my head still spinning. He made no sound but rained a flurry of blows on me, and all I could do in my confused state was raise my hands. Where did he get this speed, and strength? And why was he attacking me?
I had to clear my head. I ducked under Tails as he tried to swipe me with his twin tails, and ran up the path, trying to get to away and regain my senses.
My head hurt so much form that punch! He was a lot stronger, stronger than me definitely and maybe even able to give Knuckles a run for his money.
Only two questions were bugging me the most at that current point.
Why is he attacking me? What's wrong with him?!


I was actually a little pleased that the blue hedgehog could still put up some resistance.  I remained in hot pursuit, determined to carry out my mission.

Sonic weaved through the formations of earth, making it increasingly difficult to track him by eye, so I closed my eyes and switched to radar mode.  I wouldn't lose him now.


My head was throbbing now, but the dizzy sensation had gone. My vision had blurred a bit and I couldn't see straight, but I was glad I was alive! That punch from...that punch had dealt some serious damage.
I had to get away. Something was wrong with Tails, and I began to suspect it wasn't him but a robot from Eggman. If it was him...
Shaking off that thought, I ran on. I tried to lose my pursuer in the canyon rock pillars, but he was good at flying and kept pace with me.
I should be able to outrun him!
Of course, should and could are two different things. I was tired, sore, hungry, and now disorientated and in a lot of pain. I would be able to fight properly, not like this, and I didn't want to anyway against...Whoever this guy was. I'd escape, recover, and then come back when I was more prepared.
Thinking a future plan made me feel better, but I didn't notice the high rockfall ahead of me blocking my path. When I did, my heart sank and I skidded to a halt.
Breathing heavily (too heavily for that pace), I turned to face my attacker.


As the end of the path caught up to my target, I landed firmly behind him and faced him, his natural green eyes lining up perfectly with my artificial red ones.  I kept my guard up in case he tried anything funny, but I didn't yet attack.

"When your opponent's stronger than you are, run far away.  That's an intelligent mindset to have, Sonic."

My voice was still my own, but it now had an emotionless, almost military tint to it.


I was stunned speechless for a moment. It sounded just like him (ok, with a lack of emotion). But it couldn't be! No way!
He dipped his head slightly with a small smirk, in a mocking bow.
His eyes were red, like Shadows. Not Tails' eyes. I wasn't to sure if it was Tails... How could I tell? Well, recalling his memories I guess...

Stalling for time to catch my breath, I called to him.
"Remember what happened, with the Tornado and when I tripped over that plug?"
I felt stupid asking him, it had absolutely nothing to do with what was happening, but I had to know.


"That incident is present in my memories.  Rather careless of you; if I hadn't been so quick with that fire extinguisher the workshop would've been in ruins."

I eyed the hedgehog.  That was a rather irrelevant memory; he must have been testing to make sure I really was who he thought I was.  I decided to bring the conversation to something slightly more topical.

"With clumsiness of that variety, it's no surprise you botched that rescue attempt three months ago."

Judging by the subsequent expression on his face, I had apparently hit a nerve with that remark.


I was in total shock. He knew about the workshop-no one else would have known. His taunt was painful, bu not as painful as the realization of the truth.
My legs buckled and fell to my knees as I stared into his blood red eyes. I... I felt terrible. I was so... This was too much.
My God. It is him. That is Tails.
Looking up at him, I whispered a dreaded question.
"Tails.... What.... What has he done to you?"


I looked down at my former hero.  He was clearly reacting very severely to my new information.

"I am no longer the one you call 'Tails'.  My body and mind have been specially upgraded with artificial components.  In addition, my emotions and free will have been suppressed by a program chip, making me completely loyal to Dr. Eggman.  My current alias is Agent Topaz, and has been for the past three months."

Sonic was too shocked to respond just yet, so I continued.

"It may break you up, but it is all true.  Eggman decided this was his best option for an offensive against you."

Around then something occurred to me.  Sonic clearly had his guard down, and my mission was to knock him out and bring him back to Eggman.  Why was I so hesitant to attack right now?  Even worse, I was actually tempted to lower my guard as well.  What was wrong with me?


I was crippled by the news. I had no idea what to do, but I knew one thing.
I can't fight him.
I had to get away, clear my head, take it all in.... I had to escape. He hadn't attacked yet, so I probably would be able to surprise him. I glanced behind me to see the height of the rock fall, calculating whether I could scale it before he attacked.
I had just decided 'no' when he attacked, swiping for another punch at my face. I darted back from the blow and turned tail, running straight at the heights, hoping he wouldn't be able to catch me in my weak state.
Chapter 2: [link]

The first chapter of my roleplay with :iconflyingmonkeyofoz:. I played Tails/Agent Topaz (my parts are indicated by the -T- tag), and he played Sonic (the -S- tag).

I don't have a cool title card for this roleplay like I did Wings, I'm afraid, so... picture this... a portrait-oriented panel, about the dimensions of a movie poster and with a dark background. The bottom is dominated by a close-up of Tails's face; he has crimson red eyes and an evil smirk. Just behind him and to the right, visible above his head, is Sonic, looking frightened and beat up. On the other side is Eggman, looking rather pleased with himself. At the very top of the panel, the words "AGENT TOPAZ" are visible in orange letters, complete with a bold, military-looking font.

FMoO is a little slower with his notes than Amaramis was, but he's not half bad. We've already gotten far enough to fill at least one more chapter the same size as this one. One and a half, maybe.

Sonic, Tails, Dr. Eggman © SEGA
Agent Topaz concept © me (I think...)
© 2009 - 2024 sonicinterface
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emerald95's avatar
Agent topaz is a great story. i can just imagine everything thats happening. ^ -^